Welcome to the Hive!

The Hive is MET’s online knowledge base, curated by members for members. It serves one of MET’s main objectives: to provide a forum for members to share their knowledge and experience.

As you browse the posts, you’ll find everything from writing and editing tips to computer tools and online language resources, as well as training offers by MET members and write-ups of MET’s formal and informal CPD events.

Keep the Hive alive by sharing promising discoveries and key items from your professional toolkit. And if you have anything to add to an existing post, share it in a comment. Check out what to post and how to post it.

If you have any questions, drop us an email.

Enjoy browsing the Hive; we hope you find it useful.


The Hive team


Coordinator: Marije de Jager
Administrator: Stephen Waller
Roberta Basarbolieva
Charlotte Fleming
Lynda Hepburn
Kathryn Smyth
Helen Spottiswoode
Eleanor Staniforth


Former Hive team members

Diana Balasanyan
Wendy Baldwin
Birgit Bonde Jensen
Kymm Coveney
Kim Edwards-Buarque
Emma Goldsmith
Susannah Goss
Jennifer Gray
Heather Hamilton
Sally Hill
Hara Iliopoulou
Courtney Keeling Greenlaw

Janet Klain Ratiu
Alan Lounds
Ailish Maher
Francesca Matteoda
Rebecca Porwit
Rebecca Reddin
Karen Rutland
Mercedes Sánchez Marco
Sarah Swift
Holly-Anne Whyte
Allison Wright